My God does not call me a slave or the Heroic life of the Novgorod major
26 September 2023
Drama, historical thriller. The film adaptation of the poem of the same name by the Soviet screenwriter Sergei Narovchatov and at the same time the Novgorod epic epics about Vasily Buslaev. I have not read the epic, nor the poem, but I have heard a little about this character, so I will evaluate the picture as an independent work. Before watching, I watched remotely enthusiastic reviews about this picture, and Vasily's phrase "My God does not call me a slave" is widely known, so I wanted to see the original source of all this - and people were not lying, this is really a worthy movie that even managed to surprise me in the last third. And here is my brief opinion for you - the heroic life of the Novgorod major. I want to note right away that there are no serious disadvantages in the picture (although there are some comments that I will express in a separate paragraph), so we will focus on the bright advantages of this dramatic and historical action movie.

So, here they are: 1. The scenario - the picture tells us the story of Vasily Buslaev, the son of a Novgorod posadnik, who majorizes, using his power and his strength. The whole of Novgorod suffers from his tricks (except for the common people, whom Vasily does not offend). This would have continued on, if not for Vasily's spontaneous decision to go on a campaign with a loyal squad in order to save the captured Russians from foreign captivity, because the time is restless (the Mongol invasion is about to break out). The hero, together with his faithful companions and the brave Princess Xenia, enter into battle with enemies, visit Tsargrad itself, participate in local political intrigues, and upon arriving home Vasily will have to really work hard, because the internal enemy is much more dangerous than the external one. Yes, it was the showdown in Novgorod that surprised me, because the creators very accurately conveyed the very atmosphere of this separatist nest, which finally managed to be cleaned up only under Ivan Vasilyevich the Fourth. Novgorod is a real snake's nest, no worse than Constantinople, Paris or Rome of those years. But the heroic strength, loyal friends and loyalty to the Motherland will allow Vasily to overcome all difficulties. The finale of the picture is dramatic, and even disturbing, and no longer looks like a "fairy tale", as this movie is often called. This is a drama and a very cheerful historical thriller.

2. Costumes and decorations - the clothes of Russians, Romans and others look pretty good (if you don't look closely, of course, because then the budget of the picture will be visible). Vasily's clothes were especially good at the wedding - well, just a handsome man of handsome men. The costumers did their best. And Novgorod itself served as the scenery. I've been there, I recognize some places. Therefore, it was possible with the atmosphere. You look - and you are literally transported to medieval Russia in the first half of the thirteenth century.

3. Drama - the picture is very much aimed at realism, showing political intrigues and what internecine strife can lead to. The bondage of the Russians among the Romans is perfectly shown, the Mongolian threat is felt in the gut, because we practically won't see them on the screen, the Novgorod boyars and merchants are a hotbed of all the troubles of the city, who are even ready to kill Vasily so that they cannot carry out their plan, because their position and authority in the city should not suffer. There is blood on the screen, although there is very little of it. Therefore, empathy for the hero and the Novgorod people is complete.

4. Fights and battles - they are quite cheerful, and it is interesting to watch them, although do not expect anything outstanding. It is directly visible that the fight is almost nominal. But there is a dramatic intensity, there is a sense of danger, and you worry about the heroes, because there are usually more enemies.

5. Patriotism - the painting teaches love for the Motherland, for their land, for their people, for the best and most honest representatives of this people, for their family, friends. For when the enemy comes, we need to put aside all grievances and go to battle, because no one but us will do it. And the major, and the merchant, and the shipbuilder and the fisherman will act as a united front against the foreign adversary. That's why this picture is not being played on federal channels instead of all sorts of "Zoi", "Ivanov Denisovich" and others, well, you understand what I wanted to say now. After all, the picture is relevant now more than ever, because there is a war in Novorossiya.

Now about some remarks. The beginning of the picture is extremely chaotic, and it gives only one thing - an understanding of what era we are talking about. Traces of installation are visible, and the picture needs to be restored (the sound is good). Another picture is fleeting, as if rushing somewhere.

A little about the main characters: 1. Vasily Buslaev, performed by Dmitry Zolotukhin, is a hooligan and a kind of rake who decided to become a defender of the Russian land due to a difficult situation, and it will not be superfluous to do a good deed. A brave, smart, cunning and resourceful man who, with his strength and his charisma, is able to do great things. Dmitry Lvovich was very convincing in the role of the hero Vasily. Bravo!

2. Ksenia, performed by Irina Alferova, is a princess who recovered in search of her father as part of Vasily's squad. A strong, smart, brave girl who knows how to heal, who is very fond of our hero. Irina Ivanovna was great in this role. Bravo!

The rest of the actors played no worse, and each deserves separate praise.

My rating is 10 out of 10 and my recommendation for viewing!
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