House M.D.: No Reason (2006)
Season 2, Episode 24
Yet another "what is real" TV episode
26 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I HATE shows which fall back on the old unreliable narrator trope. Sometimes, when done well it can add some suspense to a scene, but this was not a well handled episode.

"It was all in your head", "when was anything real", "how can we tell if what we feel, see, and touch is actually there", episodes which buld their entire structure around this kind of overdone shlock don't feel like a suspenseful masterpiece but a slap on the face by taking the implicit trust the viewer gives to the creators to suspend their disbelief and immerse themselves into the shows world and plot.

The moment house told cuddy his leg didn't hurt, I knew something was up since it went against the whole establishment of the world reality. Then when cuddy just bursts out the reason the leg was better, it didn't feel like something she would know or do. Then when Wilson was confronted about it and he also knew about it, like they had planned for it, I wondered "why were they planning on doing the procedure on house if he wasn't shot".

Too many logical inconsistencies, too many red herrings, and your show comes off as poorly written, and overly pretentious.
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