Wilderness (2023)
Misandry, Justified!
25 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The beginning of this story was an engaging if familiar narrative; idealised couple shattered by male promiscuity. Embittered wife seeks retribution.

However, (spoilers abound here), the retribution of our female protagonist comes in the form of the attempted murder of her spouse. She fails, but kills his lover instead by accident. She then proceeds to use her cheating husband as a cover for her misdeeds before eventually pinning the murder on a separate, (completely innocent) man who she subsequently murders after he realises she tried to have him imprisoned.

All previous misdeeds are then blamed on her cheating husband who she frames before he goes to prison for murder. In the final throes of the series she visits him in prison just to inflict more suffering by telling him she was the killer and is blaming it all on him.

Perhaps this would all be forgivable within the narrative of a female antihero, but the protagonist is not painted as an antihero during the internal narrative commentary, she is painted as a tortured victim. Should the casual viewer be in any danger of missing this conclusion, the storywriters felt the need to insert a "justification" rant in the final scenes during which our protagonist leaves us in no doubt that the responsibility for these misdeeds is to be laid at the feet of general patriarchal male behaviour.

Infidelity is, it seems, perfect justification for double homicide and false imprisonment within the world of "female empowerment" storytelling. This is warped, indefensible misandry with a genuinely troubling message.
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