Is Millie Street any relation to Della?
24 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
With "Perry Mason" just around the corner for arrested outlaw Raymond Burr, it's ironic that the character that his character of Tris Hatten comes to this town looking for has the same last surname as Perry's wisecracking but devoted secretary. Reba Tassell plays the role of the saloon girl Burr is looking for, but is a fairly minor character, not as well developed as the Katy Jurado character in the similar "High Noon".

The similarity between this and the 1952 Oscar winning classic is based on the fact that it deals with the court of public opinion, greatly divided, yet here, that court is overloaded with people who seem to be sticking their nose in where it doesn't belong. The story focuses on sheriff Hugh O'Brien who has put Burr in jail after being notified by young Don MacDonald of his presence.

Young MacDonald's sister Nancy Gates is O'Brien's girlfriend so public opinion of MacDonald getting an award for Burr's arrest has the public up in arms. Their father, Robert Burton, also gets involved, and this messy little conflict gets even worse when Burr escapes. It's not bad as a lesser known A- budgeted western, but seems trapped in the town, particularly the jail and a few houses, with fewer outdoor action sequences. Even the music (mainly a sole harmonica) gives it a slow, lazy pace, making it seen longer than it really is.
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