Review of The Flash

The Flash (I) (2023)
Watched it only for Michael Keaton
24 September 2023
This is the definition of a mixed bag film. Firstly ever since this was announced this has been my most eager film to see in many decades. I loved Michael Keaton as Batman and I loved the prospect he was coming back. In the end I am giving it a 5, for one main reason; Ezra Miller.

'They' cannot act. 'They' have no charisma and is simply annoying. The first 20mins of the film I was wincing and grimacing in my seat hating it just hoping for Michael Keaton to arrive.

Now what made matters so much worse was Ezra Miller goes back in time and meets his teenage self, who is somehow infinitively more annoying. Quite literally think of Jar Jar Binks and you have the sort of level this was played as. This Jar Jar Binks is in the whole movie. Now to add matters worse was knowing the real life criminality by Ezra Miller and all he has been involved in. It honestly made me feel like I was watching a Mindhunter episode seeing him. It was not appealing. The film should have been reshot with someone else playing the Flash. It wasn't like ''they' is a good actor.

An hour in I honestly almost got up and left the cinema. Then Michael Keaton arrived and at first I thought, Warmers have blown it. This is not going to live up to my memory in anyway. However soon that was changed and Michael stole the film completely.

What I will also say, on introduction to Supergirl. I was groaning at that too, as she was first seen as a tiny, skin and bones mess. I was thinking to myself, this is supposed to be Supergirl. Why do Warner's cast people like this to play Superhero's. However I need to apologise immensely for thinking that, because as soon as she put on the suit, her body language, charisma and demeanour changed and I was thinking "wow she is actually a very good Supergirl". This is what happens when someone can actually act. They can give people that shock of what they project.

In the end I have serious mixed feelings - I loved, immensely, Michael Keaton and I loved Supergirl. But I hated the Flash. Now when the entire film is called the Flash I am stuck. Hence I am giving this a 5. It should have been called Supergirl though and just had Batman and Supergirl in it. If the film had of been Supergirl with Batman helping her I would have given this an 8. Watched it Only For Michael Keaton.
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