If Only Everyone Knew The Truth
22 September 2023
Susan Tom is not the saint that is portrayed. She took full advantage of Margaret's mental health issues, when all Margaret begged for was her love and acceptance. To this very day Margaret still feels she owes Susan her life. Susan has never told Margaret to take a break, go enjoy your own beautiful family, etc. I hate to inform you all that every single one of those girls are no longer in the house that was built for them. Just Margaret and Susan. They were bullied, mentally, and some physically abused. All of their cries for help went unanswered. They were either forced out, or made so uncomfortable that they ended up leaving on terrible terms. Susan is a very controlling, manipulative person. Unfortunately Margaret looked up to her so much that she is the same way, maybe even worse 😔 I really wish those girls were adopted by someone capable of giving them more than what they came with(A Check). Margaret has nobody now because she has ran everyone that cared about her out of her life including me. I didn't watch this documentary when it first came out do to motion sickness. After noticing things about Margaret that caused some concern, I decided to try and watch it. I cried the entire time. It was like I was watching someone that I love getting taken full advantage of and crying out for help and nobody was doing anything about it. If you guys knew what those girls and boys actually went through, it would truly crush your hearts. There are so many things that were covered up. Including what really happened to Anthony the night before he passed. I will end this by saying if there was ever a family that needed a follow up on how they are doing now, this is the family. You could sit all the girls in separate rooms and they would tell you the same heartbreaking truth about how they were really "Treated". I wish I would've known sooner what was really going on. I feel kinda responsible for not stepping in sooner😔 Please check on this family. This film is literally evidence of what Margaret went through and is currently going through. Hope everyone has a blessed day.
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