Fairly uninteresting, fairly unimaginative
21 September 2023
Full disclosure: After watching 50 minutes, I shut off Eat Brains Love because it failed to hold my attention. I finish every movie I watch, no matter how bad, so tonight I completed it, and re-watched the opening 50.

Ok, I LOVED Idle Hands, this movie has that same director. And I'll watch anything with zombies. Red flag: This movie actually boasts that it's a zom-rom-com. Please. Name me ONE good zom-rom-com from the last 3 decades. Think about it. WRONG! They all suck. And if you said "Warm Bodies," shame on you.

That being said, I was just not interested in any of the characters, or their friends. ESPECIALLY the two leads. I mean, come on. Dumb stoner/vaper meets popular cheerleader, discover they're both zombies, go on a road trip together, fall in love, AND, this being the 2000-whatevers, they're... ETHICAL zombies. I could not have crapped a crappier premise.

So they're hunted by this zombie task force, who want the zombies alive so they can use them for such things as a government zombie defense force. *YAWN* Seen it. By far, the most interesting character is the female psychic zombie hunter. Unfortunately, she's got a crush on the cute boy zombie they're pursuing, so that gets all mushy.

There is sporadic fun to be had along the way. As far as romantic zombie movies go, this one at least earns its R rating. You got blood and gore, swearing, adult themes, er, male nudity, if that floats your boat (2019 called), stuff actually found in a real horror movie. The ball-ripping/feasting scene is a riot!

I'm giving this movie a generous 5. I'd rank it higher, if say, it had interesting, and not stereotypical characters, and a more original premise. Then again, I'm asking the filmmakers to re-write AND re-cast this boner!! Who am I kidding?

I can't stop without mentioning the ending. It is as much of a non-ending as non-endings get, which spells... SEQUEL. Another horror movie sin, unless you're some iconic franchise. That's, how many sins? I dunno, I lost track. (The biggest one = Boring).
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