21 September 2023
I was expecting the worst from the trolls on Elon's X Twitter comments, but fortunately they were wrong as usual.

A brilliant story and creative finale to the Indiana Jones Legacy.

As fun as many of the early movies that began the journey, and just as thrilling reintroducing elements of the originals, with familiar friends and enemies, along with some new ones.

If there was a weak point of this movie for me, it was the very last closing hat scene.

I enjoyed the journey back into time too.

I like that the story brings some background information about Indie that I didn't know about his family, however I think it leaves a few unresolved questions.

At what point did he have this family? Was it before his first adventure or in-between? Because it seemed that this final movie suggested it was before, and if that is the case, it means Indiana Jones was a player. He's had different women in all the movies.

Cinematography, story, etc. This movie is exceptional as expected.

I guess it was a good time to bring this legacy to an end, since Harrison Ford is 81 years old.

It's amazing that he still has the energy to work on movies.
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