Very interesting
20 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film was a step back in time, and seeing as Mr Carson was a distant relative of mine it was nice to put a face to the name and see a glimmer of his life on film. Although the majority of it was heartwarming I felt like having a phycologist, 3 Americans describing and various people who had no actual connection to him just pointless....really enjoyed genuine interviews with people that actually knew him though, perhaps they needed to buff up the film so introduced extra people to make it longer.

Also the way it's portrayed in the beginning as some sort of horror movie or serial killer music ect I found quite ridiculous....some people have clearly never been on a farm and have no understanding of farming and the connections farmers have with livestock and the land. Having said that I felt all sorts of emotions watching it and happy it's been made for more people to see.
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