Bones: The Hole in the Heart (2011)
Season 6, Episode 22
Damned Google Algorithm
20 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm only mad that my Google algorithm only turned me on to TheBonesBooth just a few weeks ago. Yet so so so happy/sad that I was just in time to watch ahead & still cannot hear "Da'Lime&Da'Coconut" without tearing up. This one & the next 2 - I think - take me directly back to viewing 6-7 hours of Bones every day on TNT & falling in love with Booth & oddly relating to Bones - in intelligence & oh so many of her spectrum traits - it is indeed a blessing to be seen so gifted - the curse comes in taking damned near 7 years & an outright tragedy to learn how to correctly love another person and try to build a semi-functional relationship with them. The struggle is real y'all.
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