Futurama: The Prince and the Product (2023)
Season 11, Episode 9
I see what they were going for...
19 September 2023
They missed, Big Time!

I loved both the Saturday Morning Fun Pit and Reincarnation episodes, as well as the Anthology of Interest I and Anthology of Interest II, but this was bad!.

The obscure non-canonical episodes have been some of my favorites, but this one didn't hold a candle.

Even if they scrapped the pointless King of Space sub-plot, it would have blown, but that plotline, as well as the so-called twist and shoddy ending were so beneath even the worst Futurama episode. I think they were going for an Amazon Women on the Moon non-sequitur style of cohesion, but it was bad.

Even the toy subplots were poorly written. The car one had a couple of laughs, but the robot and rubber duck/weeble wobble bits felt like they were written by a first-year intern.

This season has been hit or miss, which I can deal with. It's my fourth time on this ride, but this is my least favorite Futurama episode, ever and I've never had one before today.
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