I really wanted to like this more but at the end of the day it's simply not my cup of tea.
18 September 2023
Some context as to the kind of media consumer I am before I continue: I consider myself a sort of Anton Ego when it comes to media and I take a very, "if I don't love it, I don't swallow" kind of approach to the things I consume, which is something I'm not really proud of and I wish I could let myself enjoy more things and not complain about them. So the fact that I finished this series makes me very proud of myself and it speaks volumes to the quality of this show.

I was convinced to watch this by a friend who has been a long-time fan of the Fate series, and while we see eye-to-eye on just about everything when it comes to video games, shows, etc., I just could not find myself getting super invested in this.

The best way I could describe this is that it feels like your run-of-the-mill "cookie-cutter" anime. And while there are many many things about this show that put it well above the average anime, at its very core, it still feels like something that came out of an anime factory.

So sorry Fate fans but even though I ended up liking this more than I disliked it in the end, I think I'll be okay with keeping my viewership of this series limited to this for now.
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