Star Trek: The Deadly Years (1967)
Season 2, Episode 12
Another sample, Chekov!
17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A routine assignment on the planet Gamma Hydra IV leads to unfortunate circumstances for the landing party. A rare form of radiation causes them to start ageing rapidly; this affects everybody but Chekov. Commodore Stocker (Charles Drake, "It Came from Outer Space"), a senior officer on board, desperately wants to help, but when Kirk shows signs of forgetfulness (he can't remember orders he gave a minute ago) leads the by-the-book Stocker to hold a competency trial for Kirk.

Very entertaining and well-written (by David P. Harmon), this solid episode really does make one think about the perils of ageing, of losing ones' physical and mental faculties. The script handles the subject matter with sensitivity, and the viewer really does feel bad for Kirk, who tries his best to defend himself. (Spock is not quite as affected as the others, but due to being half-human, he is not immune from the condition.). There is also great tension, as the Enterprise must fly through space utilized by the aggressive Romulans.

All of the regulars do creditable work, acting under so-so ageing makeup effects. Guest star Drake is excellent as a basic "desk man" who is really out of his depth commanding a starship, as he does when he relieves Kirk of command and Spock turns down the offer to lead on Kirks' behalf. The episode also guest stars Sarah Marshall ("The Long, Hot Summer") as a doctor and another old flame of Kirks', Felix Locher ("Curse of the Faceless Man") as the prematurely aged Robert Johnson, and Beverly Washburn ("Spider Baby or, The Maddest Story Ever Told") as the ill-fated crew member Arlene Galway.

All in all, a worthy episode in this landmark series.

Eight out of 10.
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