Review of Braciole

The Bear: Braciole (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
cool plot twist
16 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't see that one coming! How did Mikey manage to re-seal the money in all those tomato cans? And did anyone catch a passing reference earlier in the season where a character says "we never use tomatoes" in reference to their usual cooking? Yet those tomato cans were in the background all along, a big fat clue right under our noses!

Nice to see Richie finally does the right thing and gives Carmy the note from Mikey. But I can't help thinking, that's a very strange suicide note. Why would Mikey hide a suicide note?

I wonder if another shoe is going to drop. Mikey went to that bridge to meet some people in a situation he knew could turn deadly. He hid the note for Carmy in a place where only someone who spent a lot of time at the restaurant would finally stumble across it, with a clue about the location of the money that anyone besides Carmy would ignore. Clever! Maybe Mikey was murdered in a way made to look like suicide. Why would some guy with $300K kill himself?
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