Mississippi River Sharks (2017 TV Movie)
A Riveting Dive into Romance and Comedy!
13 September 2023
I've been a fan of Misty Talley's works for a while now, and "Mississippi River Sharks" is another feather in her cap. The romantic subplot between Tara and her high school sweetheart, Eric, is touching and reminiscent of old flames many of us have experienced. Talley has a knack for presenting romance that resonates.

One of the standout aspects of this film is Talley's representation of strong female leads. Perhaps her perspective as a female director adds an authentic touch, making these characters both relatable and empowering.

But what truly had me grinning from ear to ear was the film-within-a-film concept. "Shark Bite", starring Jason London, is a delightful jest at cinematic clichés. Those parody subtitles, like "Shark Bite 2: Sharks in the Ozarks" and "Shark Bite 3: Prawn of the Dead", are just the kind of tongue-in-cheek humor I adore. It's a playful nod to film enthusiasts, making it a treat for casual viewers and movie buffs alike.

Here's hoping Talley might consider expanding on "Shark Bite" in the future. I, for one, would be front and center, popcorn in hand.
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