The Simpsons: Mothers and Other Strangers (2021)
Season 33, Episode 9
Disappointing to say the least...
12 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mind Modern Simpson's episodes for the most part, and a some have been brilliant, however... the writers NEED to stop contradicting and ignoring the extremely important character development that happened in earlier seasons of The Simpson's! These are they times that I do feel extremely frustrated and upset by modern Simpson's episodes.

I have no issue with the modern episodes generally being portrayed alongside modern day times and current technology. To me that just makes sense. Series that run as long as The Simpson's need to naturally evolve with the times and be approachable to new generations as well.

However! There is no need to neglect and contradict incredibly profound character development and storyline in earlier seasons. Writers can certainly build off those developments, that's fine, but they do NOT need to change the specific facts of those past and important developments, such as Homer only finding out when he was 39 years old, that his mother was infact alive. The original episode Mother Simpson, is one of the most beloved and praised Simpson's episodes of all time. To contradict that original episode is honestly a real disservice to the series, and a betrayal to the majority of Simpson's fans out there.

Because of the above, I found it very challenging to like this episode. For me there were some good redeeming aspects though - the music score was beautiful, the dark humour weaved through the very real portrayal of how corrupt and genuinely unqualified people are behind app's like Betterhelp was great, and also the amusing segments regarding Muttflix the premium cable channel for dogs. But in my opinion, these genuinely good aspects are sadly not enough to redeem and save this episode.

I truly hope that the writers will just STOP with the contradictions of earlier, profound character and story development in earlier seasons. Build off from it, sure. But don't contradict or ignore it.

Edit: Although I still stand by my statements above, I wish to add two other things about this episode that had quality. Even though I hate the original canon being written over and think it will always remain to be completely unnecessary, the new story at least portrayed a good emotionality and vulnerability by the characters (but the original Mother Simpson had this too, and more so, in my opinion.) Also, I've the reflected on the scene in which Homer chose to stay with Abe. Abe was an abusive and neglectful father to young Homer, there's no denying that throughout Simpson history. However, he never made the conscious choice to literally abandon Homer for a different life. Homer was at such a young age of crucial development when Mona chose to risk physically abandoning him forever (I don't know if anyone has considered that the trauma really did cause developmental arrest and stunting in him that he lives with unknowningly as an adult character.) So I do give credit to Homer's family dynamic being highlighted in this way in the episode.
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