The Four Just Men: The Moment of Truth (1960)
Season 1, Episode 36
The Moment of Truth
10 September 2023
Vito (Patrick Troughton) is the manager of a young up and coming but hotheaded bullfighter Cesarito Arenos.

His father was a distinguished bullfighter who died in the ring.

On the eve of his professional debut. Cesarito is clearly anxious but he also lashes out, particularly to his manager. Blaming Vito for his father's death.

Fearing that Cesarito is scared. Vito sends for Tim Collier who saw his father fight in the bullring on many occasions.

Unsure what to do, Tim observes Cesarito and his temper tantrums. When Cesarito makes his debut, the crowd boo him as he shows his nerves.

However a pep talk from Tim might do the trick for the follow up fight.

Not a strong episode, there is no adventure or much of a story. Plenty of library footage of bulls being gored.
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