Oh that Cronenberg
9 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a few Cronenberg movies (well, at least parts of them) so I had an idea of what I was getting myself into. If this is your first contact with Cronenbergs work I can understand that you wouldn't want to see another movie by him ever again. Can't say I blame you.

The story is nonsensical. Somehow in the future everyone is obsessed with surgery but why is never explained. The idea just seems ludicrous. As a matter of fact not much is explained in any way whatsoever. Stuff just happens. Viggo Mortensen is a kind of performance artist walking around like a constipated ninja harvesting new types of organs in his body and having Lea Seydoux cut them out for people to watch.

At one point Mortensen is eating from a kind of bone chair having problems swallowing. At another a guy has his eyes and mouth sewed shut his body covered with ears dancing to techno music. At yet another Mortensens stomach is opened like a zipper and Seydoux proceeds to suck on it. As you can read, any one of these scenes should make you want to look elsewhere for entertainment.

The cast here is suprisingly competent with the likes of Viggo Mortensen, Lea Seydoux and Kristen Stewart (although I don't really count her as competent). What made them jump aboard this baffles me. They must have read the script you would think.

Somehow I stuck with this one to the end, although I can't for the love of me understand why. Maybe I thought some epiphany would materialize itself in the end, but that never happened. Guess I'm kind of a freak in the way the characters in this film are for exposing myself to this drivel. There are better ways than this to spend your time.
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