Some Adventures of the Inventor of the Mother Stitch
9 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I completely understand the problem Roy Clarke faced - Peter Sallis and Frank Thornton weren't getting any younger, the show needed a more mobile/younger trio. Bring Russ Abbott in, fine, fair enough.

However, they didn't need to give him the whole show! It doesn't help either that his character is a bit one note, and the whole 'spy who has forgotten everything' joke wears a bit thin.

There's not much else going on here other than that though sadly. They should have made Trevor Bannister's character a bit more likable, and if Barry was any dimmer he'd be locked up.

Yes, Abbott does bring a new energy, but it's actually a bit sad to see Cleggy and Truly just top and tailing episodes to remind us they're still there.
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