A flight that refuses to take off
9 September 2023
The title of the review pretty much suggests how subpar and uninteresting it was to watch this series, especially because the trailer and plotline had grabbed my interest quite a bit.

Thriller-mystery genre is easy to nail because of the fast pace of story, easy and attention grabbing plotline; and the nail-biting, heart escalating curiosity to conclude and reach climax. But unfortunately the story did not have a single quality as mentioned. It will be an understatement to say the least, that I felt like giving up straight after the first episode because the pace was slow, storyline felt weak from get go and failed to hook our attention and create the need to root for any character. You can literally skip majority of the scene (maybe even episodes, considering there there are only 6) and have no effect to the flow or continuity of the story. That is exactly how much the script lacks.

Despite of this issue I continued though the suffering in hope that it will pick up the speed.

Neither I got to know about the motivation of characters behind any action, nor could the storyline build any connection with any character that we should be invested in. The mystery component remained predictable and pointless to the highest extent. The adult and gore content that was shown barely had anything to do with the plotline. So much so that as a viewer it is impossible to decide where to label this series in terms of genre. There was a supernatural element attached to the story which also seemed pointless. The only redeeming quality was probably the camera work and to some extent the acting of the main lead. Over all it was a snooze fest and felt like a task to reach the end rather than entertainment

Overall the series could do better as a 20 minute short movie with the amount of plotline it was able to show over the course of 6 episodes.
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