Upanishad Ganga (2012–2013)
A Profound Journey into Asia's Philosophical Genesis
8 September 2023
"Upanishad Ganga" isn't just a series; it's a spiritual and philosophical odyssey that delves deep into the heart of the Upanishads, ancient scriptures that form the backbone of much of Asia's cultural and spiritual heritage. The show is a masterclass in conveying profound wisdom with grace, subtlety, and unmatched reverence.

The assertion that "a man with Atman is higher than even a king, even Devtas" is beautifully depicted throughout the series. Through intricate narratives and finely crafted episodes, "Upanishad Ganga" makes a compelling case for the superiority of spiritual realization over transient worldly power. It reminds us that in the vast tapestry of existence, it's the knowledge and realization of one's true self, the Atman, that stands supreme.

The depiction of the blissful state of Anand that one attains upon realizing the Atman is nothing short of sublime. The series beautifully elucidates that "he who knows Atman is always in Anand" and that upon realizing this innermost essence, "one has found what is worth finding." Such knowledge is presented not merely as an abstract philosophical concept but as a lived experience, attainable and deeply transformative.

It is imperative to recognize that the Upanishads are not just sacred texts for a particular region or religion. They represent some of the highest forms of knowledge ever conceived by human intellect. "Upanishad Ganga" brings this universality to the fore, highlighting how these ancient scriptures once shaped the entirety of Asian culture, from its philosophy and art to its ethics and daily life practices.

From Buddhism to Jainism, from the depths of Yoga and Tantra to the teachings of the Gurdjieff school, and encompassing all forms of Hinduism and ancient true Zoroastrianism - their roots can be traced back to the insights offered by the Upanishads. The series beautifully showcases how these ancient scriptures were not limited to a specific region or time but formed the bedrock upon which myriad traditions were built and flourished.

In essence, "Upanishad Ganga" is more than a series. It's a bridge connecting the modern viewer to age-old wisdom, a reminder of the profound truths that lie at the core of our being. This is a show that doesn't just entertain but enlightens, beckoning the viewer towards a higher understanding and a more profound appreciation of life itself. A truly deserving 10/10 masterpiece that enriches the soul and elevates the spirit.
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