Predators (2022– )
Stunning and painful
8 September 2023
I don't watch nature docs a lot so this is spectacular to me. Tom Hardy is fine, don't know why everyone is criticizing him. I don't want to notice the narrator, just let the info accompany the visuals.

I've just watched the first ep, Cheetah. I love watching the big cats because my house cats are genetically so close to them. Watching cheetahs hunt, groom and loll around is like watching my cats do the same. I just pray humans don't do to cats what they've done to dogs, so much crazy breeding.

Anyway the killing they do doesn't bother me because they kill their prey with a bite to the neck before eating. The only thing that made me nauseous was seeing a croc eat an injured wildebeast face first.

If you enjoy nature while we still have it, watch this. Its hard to realize that these animals are vulnerable or endangered due to poaching and loss of habitat. Very sad.
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