Forrest Gump (1994)
A perfect movie for everyone, anytime.
5 September 2023

This film made me genuinely laugh and genuinely cry. Few movies can do one of those things, this movie does it both. The story is so simply yet so compelling and fun. And Forrest narrating it to people he sat on the bench with was absolutely genius, first it's a smart way for them to tell the story, second it gives mystery as to where he's heading off to, and third it gives us great silly moments. So because of that, this movie has impeccable pacing. It never bores you and it never overwhelms you. The smart writing does help quite a lot with that of course. Tom Hanks acts the heck out of this movie, he knocked it out of the part and utterly became Forrest Gump. You know someone's done a legendary portrayal of a character when you forget what their real personality in real life is. Gary Sinise also stole every scene he was in, and that's impressive cause Tom Hanks' aura alone carries this movie. There's just something about him and his performance here that just never gets old watching. Him and Forrest's chemistry and friendship was super wholesome. Some other things would be the amazing cinematography by Don Burgess and the underrated score by Alan Silvestri. Overall just a masterpiece in storytelling, acting and cinematography. A pop icon for a reason, anybody can watch this and not get bored. No matter how many times you watch it in your life.
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