Review of Maurh

Maurh (2023)
Revenge or Rebellion, both seeks only blood.
4 September 2023
Innocent poor people are exploited by the rich king and landlords with the British support as well. The story is about the brothers Kishna Maurh and Jeona Maurh, who rebel against the tyranny of the rich. While the elder brother does it to seek justice, the younger brother joins his brother's path after a personal loss and the brothers' common enemy being Dogra, who has the support of the King as well as the British officer. How does Jeona get his revenge forms rest of the story.

The problem here was not the slow narrative but the lack of elevations in establishing the characters. The first half is more focused on Kishna Maurh, being the more righteous and aggressive one while Jeona remains the subtle patient guy throughout. That is what makes Jeona's transformation post interval falls short of providing the right impact as even his love story remains half baked. The second half has him take charge of the rebellion but the elevation comes too late. There are moments that partly work and the predictable writing bogs down the film.
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