Love Again (I) (2023)
Sure it's a formula film!
3 September 2023
Robert Simonds couldn't have done it better! There is a reason though why that formula brings in the big bucks consistently!! For 2 hours I get to fall in love! No risk, ok low risk, little money, a few tears and then finally like the postponed orgasm, the boy and girl get together and we know they live happily ever after!!

So saying you don't like this is like saying you don't like sex, or at least love and definitely romance!

Having Celine involved, ohh lalala! Those legs! Insured through Lloyds of London? My beautiful daughter was one of the kids who did back up vocals for her on the title track of the album with the Titanic song. It was great seeing her and David Foster work with the kids, such warmth and connection! It was very clear even way back then that she loves kids! We were joined by Olivia Newton-John as her daughter Chloe was also singing back up. She took me by the hand and we toured the Record Plant or Factory, anyway, she had recorded songs in most of the studios there, knew everyone and they had pictures of her all over the place! It was really a surreal experience!

One of the kids was even Lenny Goldsmith's son Taylor who heads his own band now and is married to another sweet kid we used to see around town, Mandy Moore!

Getting to see Celine in a RomCom like this and playing such a fun role really added to it for me because she is a deep river or soulful intensity.

And that Mrs. Jonas!! I've never actually seen anything, anyone like her! I mean sure there are lots of quadruple threats out there, but damn, not many who are as alluring to watch! I realized in one of her kissing scenes that probably if anyone actually put that much of themselves into a kiss, I'd probably feel really freaked out, but it looks great on the screen! She is one sexy and very convincing lady! She acts with her eyes, like Tom Hardy! I was reminded of when he carried that Chris Nolan film wearing a flight helmet the whole time and all we could see was his eyes, and he held us!

This kid in this in the male role could even be the next Bond, though I have had my heart set on James McAlvoy! A hot, grounded Scottish actor as Bond again!? Be still my Connery heart! Ok, I think I have misspelled enough here! Sorry about that!

I cannot imagine anyone who likes this genre, and has the balls to admit it, not enjoying the heck out of this!

It will make you want to eat pizza and ice cream!

And it would probably get you laid!
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