Review of Thorns

Thorns (II) (2023)
Forgive them Father for they have (all) sinned
1 September 2023
No pun intended - I mean I am trying to see the good in something ... I really do. But it is quite hard to do here ... in this case. And there may or may not be multiple puns hidden in there. There is almost nothing hidden in the movie - Doug Bradley ... a horror icon, literally phoning it in! I reckon you can count that one as a pun .. go ahead.

Depending on your moral compass or if you are even a believer, I reckon you kind of have to be to "enjoy" this somewhat. But even so .. it won't be easy. The movie has so many flaws .... there is so much wrong with it. I couldn't list all the things .. well I could, but my time is way too valuable. Although judging by the fact I sat through this, maybe it isn't. Again surely the best intentions, but it just doesn't work ... at least not as a straight movie ... if you watch as a silly, badly acted mayhem ... well maybe you can be entertained ... no this is not the end of the world ...
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