Breaking Bad: Madrigal (2012)
Season 5, Episode 2
Good and Evil
31 August 2023
A very important moment... in a show all about the importance of important moments... has, after the now classic polite-interrogation scene between Hank/Gomez and Mike... and after both Mike, then Hank, were able to one-up each other...

Mike leaves the room, door closed behind him, and the camera stays on Hank and Gomez, who have been main characters from the beginning of the series (ie a main character and his sidekick), and they don't say anything because, at this point, Mike is as important as they are...

It's a great scene from one of the more bizarre episodes... in that its comparably so corporate and clean compared to all the others... including a prologue set in Germany that seems almost like another show altogether (or perhaps simply foreshadowing the more offbeat and colorful BETTER CALL SAUL)...

Then there's poor "banjo-eyes" Lydia being visited by Hank and his agents, and while this is her first appearance as one of the primary Final Season players, it seems like she's been there all along... for more reasons than her character having been an important phantom operator in Gus's overall operation...

A business that's now handed to Walter White in what feels like a back-to-basics/garage band aura for his overall hit-and-miss odyssey: being in charge yet having less actual control than ever.
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