Hijack: Less Than an Hour (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
[6.9] Always keep a watchful eye on your little brother
30 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The semi home circus continuing on the plane and on the ground with the same flow, realism, logic and arguably good acting overall.

The better out there in the episode was the co-pilote speaking Hungarian with a serious face tainted with dread and transpiration.

What is continuing to happen among the hijackers is just sad, illogical and hair pulling. That young hijacker woman should have been the head since the beginning and the outcome and continuity on the plane would have rolled more smoothly and been a brighter page of their "experience".

The way some of the captives and especially the main hostage character "is" strolling all over the place from nose to tail is just enough to make you crazy even if it's for the greater good with his wide eyes and foxy-sharp ears.

A special note to the very cute and smart dog on the ground that captivated me with his brief appearance more than many human characters.

Recognition as well to the Hungarian SWAT team that didn't get to fire one bullet, to show their skills and looked at the plane flying away with disbelief for the lost opportunity to show their professionalism and training.

Heading to London, hope to see more jets scrambled. At least six for a more nail-biting experience.

Screenplay/storyline: 7 Development: 7 Realism: 7.5 Entertainment: 7.5 Acting: 7.4 Filming/cinematography: 7.5 VFX: 7.5 Music/score: 7 Depth: 6.5 Logic: 5.5 Flow: 7 Drama/thriller: 6.5 Ending: 6.5.
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