Amemiya's Masterpiece
30 August 2023
Mechanical Violator Hakaider hits so much harder now I've seen the original Kikaider series and the absolutely brilliant fan-made documentary by MONSTROSITIES, it gives me such profound respect for what the production team were trying to do and what we eventually got onscreen. All the little nuances that flew over my head the first time, now ring differently as Hakaider stages his one-man war on Gurjev's regime of Jesus Town while searching for the truth of his own nature, turning a once irredeemable and indomitable villain into a flawed and morally grey badass anti-hero.

Of all of Keita Amemiya's films, this is the one that resonates with me the most. I adore it. Yes, it has its flaws, which are far more apparent in the Theatrical Cut than the Director's, but considering the incredibly fast turnaround and production setbacks this movie had, I can forgive it. Even the gutted Theatrical Cut, isn't half shabby despite missing over 20 minutes' worth of story beats.

The slick, stylish direction of Amemiya compliments his more chaotic brilliance during the film's plentiful action scenes. The music by Koichi Ohta is utterly sublime with many of the classic cues carried over from the original show given new leases of life and the performances from all involved help to sell this true jewel of Tokusatsu. Although the final reveal of Michael's true identity is still brutally evil in one of the biggest gut punches ever. Mechanical Violator Hakaider is my movie. My justice. My love.
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