Thank God It's Only One Episode
28 August 2023
Why is it so difficult to tell a decent story anymore? I'm not sure why this seems to be so difficult but I am really tired of all these nobodies being included with nothing to offer to the actual story but eating the clock for run time and fluffing the story.

And then we're subjected to, of all people, the 45- year old teenager, Taylor Lorenz? Absolutely no. Notice she 'transcribed' the conversation and not recorded? And she calls herself a journalist, but doesn't bother to record? Okay then.

Then some dude is crying halfway through, there's accusations flying all over with nothing substantive to the claims, and the insanity just gets worse from there. Some woman talking about some ridiculous 'boys club' where she took it upon herself to clean things and *gasp* as a low level staffer was asked to get coffee! Yet she went to work every day and kept right on going?

This was like a gossipy-teenage angsty-whine session that goes nowhere.

Can we please stop with the schizophrenic nonsense with stories? Get to the point and make it. All these morons with nothing to add are unnecessary and unwanted.
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