The Shadow Riders (1982 TV Movie)
The soundtrack sucks
28 August 2023
How do you ruin western stars' talent? Put them in a cheesy movie like this. The music and dialog remind me of a Dukes of Hazzard episide. Actually, DoH is better. If they'd had better music, THAT ACTUALLY WENT WITH EACH SCENE, that would have helped a little bit. Overall, the plot was just too, too predictable. There are a few "cute" moments here and there, but just not enough to bolstee the movie. I recognized Harry Carey Jr. So that was a nice surprise. I really wish they'd had a different female lead. I'm not teething to slight Ms. Ross, but it's not a good fit. She's been good in a couple of Gunsmoke episodes I've seen, but this one just wasn't a good fit. No showcasing the other females either. They were sadly relegated to just the background. This movie falls way short of expectations for a good western.
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