Good show
25 August 2023
This is actually a good show. It's deserving of a second season, but I am not sure the networks will grant one; especially with the strike going on. While the title may seem harsh, it's appropriate because either we're going to commit to each other or call it off. No sense in wasting time. Judge Toler is the perfect host for this show too based on her ability to relate, give great advice, all while being entertaining and respectful. One line that she said during the season that stood out to me when I first heard it was when she mentioned that one of the reasons a couple on the show was having a hard time is because one of the partners in the relationship had found their lebron James prior to their current relationship. In other words, I'd you find the one early, it may make it hard to commit late because you'll be comparing everyone to that person and that's usually a no win situation.
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