Review of The Days

The Days (2023)
Not really enjoying this but will finish it
22 August 2023
After watching Extraordinary Attorney Woo, a KDrama which I loved, I've been watching The Days, which is a Japanese series about Fukushima.

It is not nearly as good as Chernobyl. Chernobyl is a masterpiece. The Days feels like a poor attempt at replicating it.

But there may be some cultural stuff going on.

During the first couple of episodes I kept being reminded of all those Samurai movies I used to love. The there's a lot of the same acting style and the social norms become uncomfortable. They are very different from western norms.

It's weird that in Woo I found all the bowing and etc charming. Here in The Days it is disturbing. The deference and inflexibility actually get in the way, I think, of dealing with the crisis.

It is very slowly paced. At times excruciatingly so. The pace picks up a bit after a few episodes but it's still a hard slog.

Maybe it is unfair to compare The Days with Chernobyl because the latter is a British production and agrees with our western tastes.

I am maybe 3/4 thru it. I am watching it in the original language with English subtitles. I intend on finishing it because to my embarrassment there's a lot about this disaster that I don't know.

Update: I finished the series and I wanted to add that I really liked the final episode. The actor who plays the lead role is really very good.
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