A Slow Moving, Yet Atmospheric, Minimalist Mystery.
21 August 2023
This film is slow moving, yet atmospheric.

Extremely minimalist.

Being almost completely void of dialogue.


Though, not in a particularly engaging way.

Somewhat psychological.

A bit supernatural.

And even a touch satanic.

But, mostly, it's just a guy wandering his house with a knife, trying to solve a mystery.

Amidst vague warnings, he may or may not have left himself on post-it notes.

What's clear...is that he had a wife and daughter...who aren't present...after waking up with an arm covered in blood.

Seemingly, without any memory as to how or why he ended up in such a state.

Either way...it starts to seem like he has become trapped in a hellish purgatory, of his own making...or something like that, at least.

One from which he must escape, perhaps, in order to be redeemed.

If it is not just a punishment, for his wrongdoings, that is.

Did he murder his family? Kill his daughter? Or lose them to a situation of domestic abuse?

Might he be stuck in a coma?

You are purposely left in the dark, and, thus, can only speculate.

As you wait for some sort of explanation- and payoff- in the end.

Luckily, it's rather a short film.

Clocking in at barely over 70 minutes.

So you don't need to invest an inordinate amount of time, in order to indulge, in it.

That being said...the mystery already starts to feel a bit redundant by the 40 minute mark.

As he is forced to reflect on a series of incidents from his past.

Prior to the twist kicking in, to offer some semblance of an explanation.

One which I could very well see many people thinking is a bit too predictable.

That being said...it's not necessarily a bad film, overall.

Just a simple one.

That could be seen as entertaining, if you aren't expecting anything too groundbreaking.

But it could, fairly, be considered to be just boring, at the same time.

Hence the divergent views, from reviewer to reviewer.

It does seem to have a bit of a religious tone to it, as well.

Which could also be a point of contention.

Though, it didn't bother me.

Because it isn't particularly preachy (like, say, Nefarious is).

But it's certainly nothing special.

2.5 out of 10.
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