A part 7 has no right being this good.
21 August 2023
Finally, a "Part One" that's not afraid to call itself "Part One". There's no Spider-Verse, Fast X trickery here. This one actually feels kind of complete by its end, too - even if there is definitely still more of this story to be told. Anyway...

Dead Reckoning Part One is the seventh instalment in the long-running Mission: Impossible franchise and, while it's not quite as good as Fallout or even Ghost Protocol, it's absolutely remarkable that it is as good as it is. We're seven films in and there are no signs of slowing down. Christopher McQuarrie returns to direct once again, but (like he did last time) makes this one feel distinct enough from its predecessors to fit the franchise's style of changing direction each and every time. After a slightly oddly-paced start, the remaining 135 minutes completely fly by; set-piece after set-piece of the highest calibre hit the screen and never let up. The action is great, it's got a lot of suspense, the characters are all good and overall it's just a blast. Hayley Atwell steals the show as Grace, the best new character to join the series since Rebecca Ferguson's Ilsa Faust (who is sort of put in the background to give Grace the chance to shine I guess. Come on, Tom, you can have more than one strong female character sharing the limelight with you surely), and Tom Cruise manages to blow your mind with the things he does for your entertainment once again.

This is seriously one of the best film franchises to ever exist. Sure, Mission: Impossible II is part of it but that's good enough. When the worst in the series is good, the majority are absolutely fantastic, and the best is one of the greatest action films of all time, you know you've got something excellent on your hands.
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