21 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The description of this movie on IMDB: "The seven sisters of the outcast LeFleur family try to survive in a post-Civil War Deep South."

My wife's description: "What is all that screaming downstairs?"

There's a version of this movie online and it's as complete as it can be. Milligan ran out of money before he could film the last scenes and the ending. So how should it have ended? No one is sure, as the only surviving shooting script ends at the same point the film does. So who is the killer? Who knows! The only part of the ending that is known is that the mansion was going to burn down.

In 2019, this premiered on byNWR, Nicolas Winding Refn's free cult movie streaming website. Jimmy McDonough, Andy Milligan's biographer, had the only surviving copy of the workprint, given to him by the director before he died. Whatever survived was restored, along with another unfinished Milligan movie, Compass Rose.

Who else would film a Southern gothic in Staten Island other than Milligan? And who else would have people stabbed in the neck with a pitchfork, a face burned with acid and decapitated heads rolling around in the midst of a talky - well, screamy? - blast of a family in decline, repeatedly slapping and spitting and yelling at each other? Not to mention voodoo and costumes that are so good that they stand in defiance of the actors attempting to get all they can out of the overly detailed dialogue!

Seven sisters try to survive the South with a serial killer on the prowl. Write your own ending while you're at it. You'll get an Andy Milligan No-Prize or something.
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