Much better than I thought, or even hoped...
19 August 2023
Like others have said, most exorcism movies are basically the same and are a dime a dozen.... This one was much better than expected, I'm sorry I put off watching it for so long! I had stashed it in my rainy day movies as something to watch when I couldn't find anything else I thought would be better. As most movies like this don't do much for me as they are too predictable and similar. The only reason I even added this to my list was because of Russell Crowe, I knew if he was in it then it had to be at least watchable. Well, I finally got around to it, and found it completely engaging! The history mixed in making the story much deeper than usual. Add to that the excellent acting and visual with the overall atmosphere the movie held and I would easily recommend this movie to others as well as watch it more than one in a decade myself, which is unusual for me, I don't watch most movies in the horror genre more than once every 10-15 years as I like not knowing what will happen because lets face it, most horror movies don't have much substance. I still love them, but they don't usually hold my attention beyond that first watch. Well, this one actually had more substance and I will definitely be watching it again, probably add it to our list of movies to watch around Halloween! A truly engaging and enjoyable experience! I actually kinda hope they decide to make a follow up sequel, that said I am probably asking for trouble even saying that as most sequels are beyond disappointing... But here's to hoping!
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