Gran Turismo (2023)
Didn't expect it to be this good
18 August 2023
Gran Turismo (2023)

Racing games are probably my least favorite because I get enough road rage in real life. However I do enjoy an occasional well made racing film like Ford vs Ferrari or Rush. Even though Gran Turismo is a highly popular video game, or racing simulator, this film is NOT a video game adaptation because quite frankly there isn't much to adapt. Instead, it's simply an underdog story that involves a video game and the impact that it had on real life events, kind of like what the film Tetris was. However, this one is quite an unreal story and the entire time I couldn't believe that these events actually occurred.

The movie is about an expert Gran Turismo player named Jann. He is considered to be the failure of the family as all he does is play video games but one day, he receives an invitation to participate in an online race. The winner of the race will get chance to compete for a spot to become an actual racer for team Nissan. Sitting with a controller is quite different from being behind an actual wheel of a 300 km/h car and soon enough Jann and other competitors will realize what they signed up for.

I know some people have been criticizing the start of the film but for me, it was one enjoyable experience that kept getting progressively better. Yes, it doesn't reinvent the sports drama genre but it takes on an intriguing true story and executes it well. The video game inserts looked good and the actual racing scenes very exciting to watch. David Harbour put on an impactful performance of an inspiring aged mentor who gradually passed down his wisdom to the young and inexperienced protagonist.

From the negatives, the editing looked slightly weird at times but it didn't take away from the experience as the action and drama scenes hit home. The fast paced story kept me excited the entire time and I remember holding my breath more than once. Whether you enjoy good underdog stories, play racing games or like cars in general, you are going to have a good time in the cinema.

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