A bit of a disaster, but not compared to Waco itself
18 August 2023
I recommend seeing even just the 45 minute short film "Waco: Clive Doyle: In Defense Of" over this mess. Some annoying characters are in Waco: The Aftermath including a wacky judge who was basically nothing like the actual judge in the trial. As the trial goes on it starts to feel a little more realistic but it definitely takes a corny start. I should say something positive first, after all I am giving a few stars here. The actor who played Doyle was spot-on and I felt it was well done. Not so much for David Koresh. The good things kind of end there if I'm being honest. Giovanni Ribisi portraying Dan Cogdell was terrible and he was definitely the most annoying character, even just his voice is like nails on a chalkboard, although he did became more likeable once the trial was deeper. One of my biggest problems was the whole thing with the female informant and this idea that Michael Shannon knew what was coming and tried to stop it, when really they had no idea. Additionally it was proven that Timothy McVeigh acted alone and any sort of "help" was a conspiracy. Did he learn things from militia groups? Sure, but he acted alone and interpreted the Turner Diaries very literally. The likeness with the actor choice for Tim was there, but he looked a little too old and there were just too many inaccuracies for me to appreciate the portrayal. Additionally. Lois Roden was much older, much more of a grandmother and just simply felt wrong the way she was portrayed. Overall this series is messy much like Waco itself and there are better series out there that will save you time.
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