Doctor Who: The Angels Take Manhattan (2012)
Season 7, Episode 5
The Angels Take Manhattan
17 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Personally I think the Ponds were at their best during Series five, and never really recovered from a dire Series six, with this seventh series (their third) seeming a bit like an epilogue, with them spending a lot of the time seemingly wishing to vacate the Tardis.

It was still sad to see them (well, Amy - Rory was always a wet blanket) leave here, and despite the inclusion of Alex Kingston as River Song (shudder) this is a good episode. And written by Moffat, who knew!

Well acted and performed, this moves at pace and with a sense of purpose that has been lacking from a few Series even episodes.

It's all held together wonderfully by Matt Smith's always likable Doctor too.
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