One and Only (I) (2023)
A story about enthusiasm and living your dream
17 August 2023
I had high expectations for this film and being a fan of Wang Yibo I had been anticipating to see it for over a year. And boy, did it not disappoint!

The story the film tells isn't new by any means: An underdog chases his dream with passion and hard work and succeeds in the end. But while telling this often used story, "One and Only" stays true to the characters, and true to Street Dance. The film has both very fun moments and moments that are touching. It's LOVELY that all the actors of the dance crew are well known street dancers in China--shooting this movie must have felt like a family gathering. This makes the movie authentic, made by the people who love and live what the film is about.

The music is also beautiful, I've been listening to the score since I found it on Spotify two days ago.

The only thing I didn't like is that the dance battles are filmed in a weird and shaky way which distracts from the dancing. But that might be because I prefer dancing to always be filmed with a steady camera, so I can truly admire the movements. But maybe they thought it would match the tone of the movie better to make it "fuller of action".

All in all, "One and Only" is a fun film that will touch its audience. I'm glad that (Chinese) Street Dance culture will forever be remembered with it.
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