Review of Custody

Custody (2017)
Another French gem. True acting talent.
16 August 2023
This film isn't an easy watch because it puts the viewer firmly in the seat of a boy afraid of a bull of a man: a bully and a coward, but a dangerous one nonetheless. It is incredibly well acted by all of the cast, particularly the boy and the father, whose unstable temperament simmers threateningly throughout and will make you hold your breath and squirm, perhaps even scream at the TV, "call the police!"

Although set in France, it highlights the abject failure of the court systems when it comes to the allocation of custody and visitation rights, highlighting the way in which violent men are taken at their word and women who understandably can't provide witnesses to domestic abuse, coercion and control, are simply told it's her word against his. This happens in nearly every country and nothing is done until things reach a point of placing the woman and children at such peril that it shames the whole system. At least it should; bureaucrats should watch it and reflect. Don't worry, we've heard all of the excuses; it needs to change.

And that's precisely where the story takes us, without adding a spolier, to extreme peril. And it is a shocking climax to an absolutely engrossing film. Not easy to watch, particularly the confliction and angst of a young boy trying to protect his mother, but it is one you shouldn't miss. French cinema shines yet again ... très bien fait.
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