Review of Korengal

Korengal (2014)
12 August 2023
Korengal is a follow up documentary to Restrepo that felt like a lesser continuation that it deserved to be. It wanders around too much with surface level subjects and does repeat some points we've heard or seen in Restrepo. Going back to Korengal valley still blows your mind with how intense and weird that position was. Shooting at distant targets almost everyday. Complete isolation. The mental games that are being played. It's a short fascinating look into a different world.

It makes you understand the guy that would jump back in right away. As we know from war, it's said to be incomparable to anything else in life. The constant fear of death, being surrounded by your brothers, seeing death, delivering it too. It's the most extreme thing you could do in this world.

That said, Korengal did less for me than Restrepo. And ended up feeling too surface level to care much about.
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