It's somewhat entertaining
11 August 2023
You will laugh a couple times, shake your head at the rest of it.

One scene in particular that basically defines the whole thing is where the lady is walking down the hallway, and behind her some kind of trap door slowly opens, keep in mind she's walking away from it. Then, it opens all the way and she catapults head first down some kind of chute or hole that I guess was the trap door, behind her, in the hallway. So she went from walking upright to plunging headfirst down a pit behind her. I think we rewinded that scene ten times to keep the laugh going.

You can tell there was quite a bit poured into this thing, I mean there are quite a few actors in it, lots of different sets, but overall bad. If you wanted this 'quality' but way more gore, look up dard divorce.
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