It didn't make me wanna rage but...
10 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Buckle up, people, I have thoughts. I'm a cinematic masochist, I've been told, and I proudly carry this title. Love Tactics part 1 left me raging for days and for the right reasons - all of them listed in the review. So when the sequel came... Well, I got my drinks chilled, I got my ice-cream in a bowl and I got my Netflix on. I was ready to shred it to pieces, cause as we know, sequels are 9 out of 10 cases inferior to part one.

Well, color me shocked, this part was actually better. No, it doesn't mean it was good, it just means that I didn't feel like murdering anyone when the end credits rolled. But let's start from the beginning.

Plot It's been a year. Asli and Kerem are still together, both appalled cause their respective friends, Tuna and The Screaming One, are getting married. They both act like little idiots about it, cause why would a woman want to be married, what kind of a man would voluntarily put a ring on it blah blah blah. Same old stereotypes they were shouting on the top of their lungs in the first film. Surprisingly, it didn't bother me this much, I guess my tropical rum did its thing. Anyway, the two lovebirds go to dinner, giving us, well - giving me, probably the only funny scene in the entire movie. Asli spewing nonsense about how a marriage is useless etc. And Kerem telling her it's wonderful she says that, cause he doesn't want to marry her. And this is where Asli got pissed, cause, as she told her girlfriends, he's allowed to not want to get married, but he's not allowed to not want to get married TO HER. So she decides to do everything to change his mind. Not cause she want's to get married, mind you. No. It's cause she's narcissistic brat and it's all about Me Me Me. After his buddies tell Kerem that Asli lied, cause "every woman wants to get married" , he decides to do everything to make sure she never thinks of marrying him. Because you know, marriage is prison.

Ugh... Can you tell how much I still hate those characters?

Anyway. The oh-so-funny shenanigans begin, Asli borrows a baby (yeah, you read that correctly) and goes to Kerem's office to show him she'll be a good mom, though, as her friends pointed out, she dislikes children. But hey, who cares, she's a woman on a mission, so when Kerem invites her over and expects her to serve his buddies (cause you know, a wife = a maid) she does so with a sweet smile. Kerem panics and decides to use the fact his buddy is arguing with his wife to show Asli that marriage is boring, kills love and passion. Bravo for using your friends as props, that's so healthy I teared up. Asli decides to show Kerem that marriage can be full of love for many decades. So she invites him to meet her parents. Cause you know, she hasn't introduced him to them in a year of being exclusive. Now, this was supposed to be a comic relief, I believe, with daddy going through midlife crisis and riding a motorcycle and mommy drinking like a fish and demanding divorce right there and then, but gotta say, the actors weren't good and it was cringy. Like "I don't want to live on this planet anymore" cringy.

Meanwhile I'm beginning to feel like I'm watching a movie from the 1990s about highschoolers, not about people in their early 30s. God bless the rum.

Anyway, stuff happens, an old school friend of Asli comes back, he's successful, rich and apparently hot, so Kerem is jealous, but not too much, cause he knows he's the hottest alpha under the sun, right? Then there's a bachelorette party on an island, where the girlfriends do, what all women around the world do, according to horny teenage boys, that is, and they dance in lingerie. And swim synchronically in the pool. And dress up in high heels and latex dresses to sit on the pier and drink champagne. You know, that's my typical Wednesday. Ugh... The guys crash the bachelorette, cause of course they do. The soon-to-be newlyweds spill the beans and Asli learns about Kerem's plan and he learns about hers and I just roll my eyes cause what kind of idiots wouldn't realize sooner, that something was going on? So they dance the tango which, in all fairness, was pleasant to watch, and they talk during it, which on the other hand was a cringe, cause the idiots keep lying. Very healthy relationship, this one.

Anyway, everybody gets drunk and in the morning Kerem takes Asli for a plane ride. Cause she's so great with heights she turns into a freakin' foghorn, as the first movie showed us. I turned down the volume, cause I learn fast. Oh, but Kerem got smart, you see, he got his girlfriend pills. And here comes the second so called comic relief in the guise of a pilot without a license. I'm not even gonna get into it. I'll just skip to the part where the pilot is out like a light and they fly into a storm cloud. Kerem gets scared and she proposes to Asli, but she's high as a kite and laughs. Meanwhile I finish another drink and thank the fate I have a day off the next day, cause I'm getting too old for this garbage.

The hot as damn old friend from school offers Asli an amazing job opportunity, but she'd have to go to Dubai for 6 months. Kerem decides to marry her and proposes, they have sex on the table and a wedding on the beach.

The End

Like I said, it is not a good film, but it didn't make me homicidal, so that's a plus. The plot was predictable like the order of the days in the week, but whatever. It's a rom-com, I didn't expect intellectual stimulation. The views were beautiful, cinematography was also good, the music was forgettable, but whatever. Ozyildiz was better, acting wise, than in the 1st one, or maybe his character was simply less annoying. Ozdemir toned down her acting and there were moments where I noticed her yesteryears comedy chops. Still, Asli was annoying AF.

So, to sum it up. 4/10 for the movie.

10/10 for the rum.
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