A Fun Crossover
9 August 2023
As a hardcore Batman fan and casual TMNT fan, I decided to watch this animated film. I have not read any of the comics (yet). Keep in mind, this is definitely a movie targeted more toward kids than adults, although there is a decent amount of violence. This is a fun tale combining the best of the two franchises. However, the movie's predictability, its hit-or-miss comedy, and its somewhat uncreative science-fiction elements put a damper on things for me.

The four turtles are after Shredder, who has ventured to Gotham to team up with Ra's Al Ghul. Ra's has promised Shredder the Lazarus Pit in exchange for his help in stealing Wayne Enterprise's cloud seeder machine, which he hopes to use to wreak havoc on the city. After an initial misunderstanding and subsequent fight, the turtles team up with Batman, Batgirl, and Robin in hopes of bringing down the supervillain duo.

The thing I have always loved about the Batman franchise is its believability. The realism of the caped crusader and (the majority of) his rogues' gallery just lends itself to an immersive experience. Of course, in this instance, this doesn't apply. The whole "mutant" trope at play, while a necessary aspect of this crossover, feels very unrealistic and even at times forced. This movie would be a lot better if it didn't rely so heavily on supernatural serums.

I like how the writers pair each turtle to their ideal counterpart in the Batman universe, based upon characteristics and costume colors. It's interesting to watch these characters interact and build relationships throughout the movie. There is good chemistry between the characters of the two franchises, and everyone stays true to their own character in their respective universe.

Overall, this is a fun film for Batman and/or TMNT fans. It isn't anything extraordinary, but it doesn't set out to be so. Watching the turtles geek out about all of Batman's fancy gadgets is entertaining, even if it does get old fast. My biggest complaint is perhaps they could have made a more complex plot, but then again this movie is made for kids, so I'm probably asking too much. I would probably watch it again and I would love to see a sequel.
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