Review of Plane

Plane (2023)
Predictable; poor airline research
7 August 2023
Just for background, I'm a retired airline captain with almost 40 years in the business. It does get tiring watching movies over the years where they do such a poor job of getting even simple details correct. After the first 15 minutes of Plane, the number of gross errors was amazing. A few examples: Capt Torrance is shown hurrying through security to get to the plane, where he meets the first officer for the first time. In the real world, they would have met in flight ops an hour earlier, done the flight planning, and gone to the plane. In the movie, as the (gate agent?) is getting ready to close up, he tells the Capt that he needs to fly a different route!!!??? This would be like a scrub nurse telling a surgeon how to operate. Then they repeatedly show the outside of the aircraft, which looks like an MD 80 series, but the cockpit is an Airbus A320. Later (I loved this one) the Capt dashes out of the cockpit into the cabin during moderate to severe turbulence, thus endangering himself and everyone aboard. It goes on and on. I saw that the aviation consultant was a guy with lots of ratings in various aircraft, but he obviously knows nothing about airline procedures. They could have easily received free advice from any airline pilot and avoided all of this. For example, the current Apple TV series, Hijack gets most things right.
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