Secrets of the Zoo (2018– )
Munchausen by proxy animal torture with invasive and unneeded procedures for Big Pharma profit!
7 August 2023
The ignorance of the majority of people who work this issue is unbelievable and I tune into watch the cute animals being cared for and time and again I see a bunch of people afflicted with Munchausen by proxy injuring the animals and often killing them for entertainment purposes which is disgusting in itself!

Yes the animals get a 10/10 and so do most of the female caretakers; beyond that there's a lot that is wrong with this show and it is sad that nobody is pointing this out. As we now know since 20/20, vaccines kill and injure people and animals alike; they are unneeded, they are nothing but a hoax that destroy your health and whatever to tell your benefit is a complete and utter lie and there is plenty of documentation to prove this. Beyond this, they are behind the cause of SIDS in infants, and they maim & injure animals for life, and I know this first hand from caring for wildlife, that some people capture and get vaccinated, and then their health goes downhill compared to what unwittingly becomes the control group.

Dr Priya I cannot stand it is clear that she enjoys herself giving countless unneeded procedures to the animals in fact it would appear they are constantly annoying the animals with invasive procedures and surgeries that they do not need. I mean think about it what drama would they film if it's wearing for those dramatic procedures?

I also cannot stand a certain female caretaker who keeps using a screechingly high pitch voice to a baby talk to the animals which is rude and disrespectful towards wildlife and grates on my ear so much so that I either mute or change the channel when she comes on until she is gone

Beyond her, there is a couple of immature males who are much worse than her: they aggressively manhandle and capture animals like ostriches and baby takin, it seems for their own perverted pleasure causing unneeded stress to the mother and calf, while they shoved fingers up the babies nether regions and mouths, and then tag their ear causing neededless pain; but I guess viewers here like to gloss over the insanity and the violence and pretend they're watching a show of people caring for animals that is only 50% accurate; meanwhile animals really suffer! Those two young men have no business working at a zoo I'll take the woman with the annoying screeching voice any day over them.

This show should be about things like when they reunited the baby dhole with its father although that didn't go to well and it ended up injuring his son; And things like feeding time there is not enough showing of animals being fed other than a treat here and there so they comply with positioning to get there disturbing vaccine and other tranq shots. Stop pumping animals full of synthetic chemicals! They do not need it out in the wild and is certainly do not need it in your zoo period.

At least I am glad they are not manufacturing fake romantic or rivalry drama between the caretakers for the sake of a dumb TV show so we'll give them kudos for that.

But!! I tune in to watch a wholesome show free from repulsive graphic 2020s images, yet time and again, the majority of the episode is spent cutting up the animals open and showing close up gore which is there is no need for that, otherwise call this the veterinarian surgery show and get it over with but the majority of people don't want to watch that. I invariably change the channel and then forget to turn back in oh well!

Again they need to be showing more interesting interesting things about the day-to-day life of these animals in captivity interactions between mother and child father and child animal couples and so on and so forth and again feeding time should be more interesting to anybody watching then graphic gore and gore and surgeries.

Props to go to the editor for making an interesting show out of all this and they get a 10/10 rating. Whoever it is that decided to show all these surgeries and animal abuse due to unneeded procedures and separating mother and baby, be it producer or director, gets a zero out of 10. It is very hard for me to rate this; like many I want to give it a 10/10 for animals only and for the good caretakers, but I cannot due to all the pumping animals full of synthetic chemicals that kill them, and time and again almost every episode they say: 'oh we lost her and that's too bad' like the mother of the dhole babies (for those who don't know those are wild dogs from Asia, and endangered at that) and still they are clueless that the anesthesia, the tranquilizers, the vaccines and other synthetic chemicals are building up in their system! This is a natural and end up killing them endangered species and I cannot stand for that. If you are in lunatic fan of vaccines and working a suit and vaccinate yourself up the Wahzoo but leave the animals damhned alone! Stop taking and medication for an illness that you do not have and you live longer and the Animals as well. Refer to that the hearings currently going on suing the stupid c'vid vaccine makers, manufacturers & pushers for millions of deaths, and the powers that be denying that they ever made it mandatory or that the Cvd19 jab was safe and effective; enough said word to the wise and all that.
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