Batman: Arkham Origins (2013 Video Game)
The filler game of the series games
4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Batman: Arkham Origins" is a game often considered as part of the Batman Arkham series, yet many fans, myself included, find it somewhat detached from the core storyline. The gameplay offers enjoyable moments, but it is not without its shortcomings, which occasionally impact the immersion in the game

Plot: The game introduces us to a younger and less experienced Batman, who has been patrolling Gotham for only two years. Set on Christmas Eve, the narrative follows Batman as he becomes the target of eight of the deadliest assassins in the DC universe, all hired by the crime lord Black Mask. The events of the game unfold over the course of a single night, with Batman encountering these assassins while gradually unraveling the conspiracy behind the bounty on his head. While the plot is generally engaging, there are moments that tend to drag and lose the player's interest One of the villains I didn't like the most in the game is copperhead, in my opinion Batman just defeated her very badly

Villains: The cast of assassins in the game varies in terms of interest and depth. Some, like Copperhead and Firefly, come across as weak and uninteresting characters. However, there are standouts such as Deathstroke and Bane, whose involvement adds an engaging layer to the story. Despite these highlights, the overall portrayal of the villains is a mixed bag The game takes an unexpected turn when the true identity of the main villain, Black Mask, is revealed to be the Joker

Joker's influence: Joker's presence in the game is a departure from the familiar rogues gallery of villains that Batman usually faces. This character adds a layer of unpredictability and intrigue. Joker's motivations and methods are significantly different from other villains, forcing Batman to adapt his thinking to Joker's.

Batman's Role: Playing as a younger Batman is a refreshing experience. Witnessing a Batman who is still honing his skills and yet possesses immense strength is an intriguing dynamic. The game succeeds in providing a unique perspective on Batman's growth, offering players a glimpse into his early crime-fighting career

Overall: "Batman: Arkham Origins" is not a bad game by any means. It introduces players to a fresh take on Batman's early years and showcases his interactions with a variety of assassins. However, the game falls short of fully integrating into the overarching narrative of the Arkham series. Its gameplay is enjoyable, though marred by occasional immersion-breaking elements. The cast of assassins is a mix of compelling and lackluster characters, and the final twist with the Joker brings a sense of closure. With its strengths and weaknesses, "Batman: Arkham Origins" score of 6 out of 10.
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