Futurama: The Luck of the Fryrish (2001)
Season 3, Episode 10
best episode of the series along with jurassic bark
3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off, if you haven't watched this episode yet, do yourself a favour and watch it, before reading the reviews. A recurring theme in futurama is the contrast between what fry thinks the people (and the dog) around him felt about him, and what they actually felt. He is convinced that they cared very little about him, so much so that this is one of the reasons why he's relieved when he learns he is being frozen for a thousand years: everyone who knew him is now dead. We are lead to believe for several episodes that he's right in thinking so, but as the series progresses we gradually learn how wrong his perception was. The contrast is shown beautifully in this episode where, almost up until the end, we are offered his point of view, his rightful (based on his assumptions) indignation, only to learn that the alter ego wasn't his jealous brother stealing his life, dreams and name, but in fact his nephew, his brother's son, named after him "to carry on his spirit". Very beautifully written. On a side note, the joke on the article "the" (including bender's answer) is also very on point because it really tells the viewer the level of obsession fry had reached.
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